Oleh Alfian Risfil pada hari Senin, 14 Mar 2016 - 17:25:43 WIB
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Facebook Mulai Makan Korban, Akun Aktivis Pengritik Ahok Diblokir

Wawat Kurniawan (Sumber foto : Istimewa)

JAKARTA (TEROPONGSENAYAN)--Akun facebook Wawat Kurniawan, seorang pengritik Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) diblokir. Atas pemblokiran ini Wawat memprotes langsung ke pihak facebook. Dia menyesalkan tindakan facebook yang dia nilai tidak fair.

Melalui grup sosial media, pemblokiran ini langsung mendapat tanggapan beragam. Umumnya menilai aneh pemblokiran ini. Selain itu ada juga yang menduga sebagai hasil kunjungan Presiden Jokowi ke kantor facebook saat ke Amerika beberapa waktu lalu.

"Apa ini hasil kunjungan Jokowi ke bos Facebook Mark Zuckerberg baru2 ini? Jokowi dgn Ahok itu kan satu paket. Sehingga Ridwan Kamil mundur saat Jokowi minta dia mundur," ujar seorang dalam grup media sosial tersebut.

Berikut ini protes Wawat kepada facebook

HI Facebook (

My account wawat kurniawan has been blocked by facebook with the reason that I violate your standard communicty. I would like to explain that there is nothing wrong with my posting. If you would like to block my account because of the political issue in our country - Indonesia, I wish you could verify it first, at least you could explain to me why or you could remove my posting of the issue . You could not block it without warning.

FYI. in Indonesia we have pro and contra in upcoming election of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok), I think it’s nothing wrong if we like or dislike and you blocked my account as requested by Pro Ahok fans. I think it’s not professional at all especially for Facebook.

Please open my account immediately. Facebook should not pro as an admin of a community. Facebook should clarify it first. Is Facebook anti true or false report. Am I playing harassment issue or anarchists against Children? I dont think so. You should check the pro Ahok facebook, they are the one who you should take attention. I always tell the truth and be responsible for what I have written. I don’t harm anyone. If the pro Ahok fans do not like my posting, I think it’s ok and normal. This is called FAIR DEMOCRATIC POLITIC.

If you think that my content is journalism, that you could see as journalism ethics, you should not block my facebook if you dislike my content of Ahok. I think we are free to express our thought and opinion.

Thank you for your kind attention and I believe is WISE and know what to do to maintain WORLD COMMUNITY.

Ir.Wawat Kurniawan

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