Oleh Rida Husna/Yunan Nasution pada hari Minggu, 22 Feb 2015 - 22:47:52 WIB
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Ruki Replaces Abraham Samad as KPK's Interim Chief

The inauguration and the taking-oath ceremonies forTaufiqurahman Ruki, Johan Budi and Indriyanto Senoadji (Sumber foto :

JAKARTA (TEROPONGSENAYAN)-President Joko Widodo installed interim three leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at the State Palace, Friday (20/2/2015), who obtain their mandate via three Presidential Decrees.

Citing the official page of the Cabinet Secretary's website, one of the decree assigns Taufiqurrahman Ruki to replace Abraham Samad as KPK's chief. Following are those three decrees issued by the president:

1. Taufiqurrahman Ruki, according to the Presidential Decree No. 14/P/2015, is appointed as chief and member of KPK replacing Abraham Samad.

2. Johan Budi, according to the Presidential Decree No. 15/P/2015, is appointed as member of KPK replacing Bambang Widjojanto.

3. Indriyanto Senoadji, according to the Presidential Decree No. 16/P/2015, is appointed as member of KPK replacing Busyro Muqoddas, who had fulfilled his tenure.

The inauguration and the taking-oath ceremonies were attended by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, member of the Presidential Advisory Council KH Hasyim Muzadi, chairman of the Regional Council Irman Gusman, chairman of the Constitutional Court Arirf Hidayat and the ministers.

As previously reported, due to legal issues faced by Abraham Samad and Bambang Widjojanto and in addition to the end of service of Busyro Muqoddas, the President has issued decrees on temporary dismissal of those two, followed by delivering a government regulation in lieu (Perppu) on the appointment of the interim leaders of KPK.

In a presser at the State Palace, Jakarta on Wednesday, President Jokowi said the issuance of the Perppu and the decrees were intended to keep the job sustainability of KPK. "I order the Indonesian Police and ascribe KPK to obey law and code of conducts as a way to maintain peace relations between the state bodies."(yn)


Ruki Gantikan Abraham Samad sebagai Ketua KPK

JAKARTA (TEROPONGSENAYAN) -Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melantik tiga pimpinan sementara Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) di Istana Negara, Jumat (20/2/2015) yang disahkannya melalui tiga Keputusan Presiden.

Dikutip dari laman resmi Sekretariat Kabinet, berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden (Keppres), Taufiqurrahman Ruki menggantikan Abraham Samad sebagai ketua KPK.

Berikut tiga Keppres pengangkatan pimpinan sementara KPK: 1. Taufiqurrahman Ruki sesuai Keppres Nomor 14/P/2015 sebagai Ketua dan anggota pimpinan sementara KPK menggantikan Abraham Samad.

2. Johan Budi sesuai Keppres Nomor 15/P/2015 sebagai Wakil Ketua dan anggota pimpinan sementara KPK menggantikan Bambang Widjojanto.

3. Indriyanto Senoadji sesuai Keppres Nomor 16/P/2015 sebagai Wakil Ketua dan anggota pimpinan sementara KPK Busyro Muqoddas yang telah berakhir masa jabatannya.

Upacara pelantikan dan pengambilan sumpah pimpinan KPK itu dihadiri oleh Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla, anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden KH. Hasyim Muzadi, Ketua DPD Irman Gusman, Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi Arief Hidayat, dan para menteri Kabinet Kerja.

Sebagaimana diberitakan sebelumnya, terkait dengan masalah hukum pada dua pimpinan KPK, yaitu Abraham Samad dan Bambang Widjojanto, serta satu kekosongan pimpinan KPK menyusul berakhirnya masa jabatan Busyro Muqoddas, Presiden Jokowi mengeluarkan Keppres pemberhentian sementara dua pimpinan KPK.

Bersamaan dengan itu akan menerbitkan peraturan pemerintah pengganti undang-undang atau Perppu untuk pengangkatan anggota sementara pimpinan sementara KPK.

Dalam konperensi pers di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Rabu (18/2), Presiden Jokowi menyebutkan, penerbitan Perppu dan Keppres itu dimaksudkan agar KPK dan menjaga keberlangsungan kerjanya.

“Saya menginstruksikan kepada Kepolisian Republik Indonesia dan meminta KPK untuk mentaati rambu-rambu atau hukum dan kode etik untuk menjaga keharmonisan hubungan antara lembaga negara,” kata Presiden Jokowi.(yn)

tag: #KPK  #Johan  #Ruki  
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